Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Drawing Studies the first 3 weeks

Oh Lord is about all I can say.  Drawing studies is fun, scary, hard work, challenging, exciting, intimidating and frustrating. Usually this is how I feel at some point during each session.  It is however a wonderful way to start the week and is something to look forward to over the weekend.

Week One - Warming Up

This was more of a limbering up and getting back into the way of drawing.  It shocked me just how poor my mark making and observational skills had become over the summer when I had done no art at all.

My first attempt after the summer:

The poor model really didn't deserve this attempt. 

Second attempt:
Using graphite and sanguine conte.  A better attempt but when I looked at others work I realise just what a mountain I have to climb.  It is very different from Craven where I became too comfortable that what I produced would pass muster.

Week 2 - Sight Size Drawing

OK so it sounds simple.  You look, measure and draw to exact scale using a ruler.  How hard can this be?  Answer: Bloody difficult!

The poor model is neither a hunchback nor a Neanderthal.  Basically I forgot to a) close one eye whilst measuring and also b) keep the same eye closed!!  What a pratt.  My only excuse was it was a Monday morning and I had only had about 4 hours sleep.

I was assured by my tutor that my second attempt would be much better.  Hmmm.  Sometimes you just have to prove the tutors wrong.

It is reminiscent of a Henry Moore sculpture and there is certainly a feeling of mass.  Sadly as a sight size drawing it is not a success.  This really dented my confidence especially as others appeared to understand and execute far more successful drawings.  If I can't master this simple technique how can I hope to improve my drawing and painting skills.  Feeling very despondent. 

I have  a very long way to go before I can come close to Euan Uglow:

Week 3 - Experimental

After last weeks debacle I wasn't looking forward to drawing studies.  But.....this was a very full on session just playing with media and styles.

Our first exercise involved very quick 2 - 3 minute sketch before turning our paper through 90 degrees and changing media.  So:

Doing this felt incredibly liberating and helped to dispel the gloom engendered in me from the week before.  I enjoyed this as it is somethingI have never done or considered before and yet I admire many layered and dimensional work by others. 

The second exercise was about mark making and drawing an emotion.  I chose to use charcoal as I like the range of marks and textures one can get.  The 6 emotions were: happy, sad, lonely, manic andgry and peaceful:

And separately:







A great exercise and something I want to use again elsewhere in my work.

Like I said a full on session - there is still lots more to upload but that must wait for another posting window....

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