My studio practice for this semester is painting. So far we have looked at the practical side of stretching paper and canvases but we still haven't set brush to canvas yet. Our brief is Still/moving and I have used Fritz Lang's Metropolis and urban architecture as my starting point. I have played around with ideas which I will post in due course but the point of this post is until I can get my stretchers I can't prepare any canvii (plural of canvas) and until I have a canvas I can't paint. And if I can't creat I WILL BURST!!!!!!!
With that in mind I spent Tuesday morning on my own with a lot of cartridge paper, some PVA glue and a stick of complessed charcoal. I started by taping 4 sheets of A1 size cartridge paper together and then had me some fun!!
Layering up torn cartridge paper to create rough contours of face
Adding charcoal definition
PVA and more paper. Also use PVA to work the charcoal
The picture so far....
There is still a long way to go but at last I feel as though I am doing something not just thinking about doing something.
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